Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ugliest People - You wont have a second look at them

Well, it was really embarrassing and hard for me to compile this post – I am serious. See these pictures and you will understand what I mean by hard to compile. We see many people with extremely pleasant faces, really charming and beauteous stuff, but what is this?

This is world where weird things are widespread. This is the collection of some ugliest pictures of people around the world. I may miss many People because I am by no means an authority on ugliest things!

If you have come across some stuff ugliest then this, Please leave URL in the comments.

Meanwhile “enjoy” these ugliest people.

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A wierd capability!

Don't make noise. He is sleeping

Trying to scare us


Double chin

Trying to be cool


Rizwan M.

Rizwan is a Ph.D. candidate at National University of Singapore (NUS) in the field of tissue engineering, biomaterials and nanotechnology. You can read more about him here


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